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Birth Support

From spacious & roomy to cozy & quaint, I provide services to suit each circumstance. Offerings can be scheduled ala carte as well

Spacious & 

$1800, Payment Plans Available

To learn more or schedule a time to connect, click:

B E F O R E   A R R I V A L


​Prenatal Appointments:

1) Complimentary Consultation

2) Baby Basics

3) Delivery and Postpartum Plan 

4) Dress Rehearsal, Final Prep


Phone & Text Support 

Unlimited,  from time of signed contract


Prenatal Massage 

Once a month, additional available


Personalized Birth Plan & Local Resources

E N   R O U T E 


On Call

On-call starting 2-weeks before the anticipated debut date (estimated due date)


Labor & Delivery Support

Birth attendance without time constraint and support for up to 3 hours after delivery to help settle family and new baby


A F T E R   A R R I V A L 


Three Postpartum Visits

48 Hours, 2 weeks, 6 weeks postpartum

Quaint &

$1000, Payment Plans Available

To learn more or schedule a time to connect, click:

B E F O R E   A R R I V A L


​Prenatal Appointments:

1) Complimentary Consultation

2) Baby Basics

3) Delivery and Postpartum Plan 


Phone & Text Support 

During operating business hours


Prenatal Massage 

Once a trimester, additional available


Personalized Birth Plan & Local Resources

E N   R O U T E 


On Call

On-call starting 2-weeks before the anticipated debut date (estimated due date)


Labor & Delivery Support

Birth attendance without time constraint and support for up to 3 hours after delivery to help settle family and new baby


A F T E R   A R R I V A L 


Two Postpartum Visits

48 Hours and 6 weeks postpartum


Reproductive Care Support

Gynecological exams, IUD insertions, & other appointments by request

 S E R V I C E   I N C L U D E S 


Meeting Prior

Let's grab coffee, connect, and prepare before the appointment


Appointment Attendance

My day is yours,  from time of signed contract, however long the appointment takes!


Post-Service Touchbase

Debrief and next-day follow-up​

Cost is variable, based on appointment type, Payment Plans Available

To learn more or schedule a time to connect, click:

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